4Children has run a successful two year programme on Early Learning and Childcare Hubs that worked to:

  • improve the quality of provision;
  • support parents/carers with their working patterns by offering blended childcare and early education; and
  • support the provision of new childcare places focusing on funded two year olds where this as seen as a priority

It was found that in terms of improving the quality of childcare, a hub provided significant opportunities for practitioners to share practice and learning to improve quality as well as increase awareness of the importance of quality. This arose from factors such as:

  • creating a collaborative environment;
  • improved consistency between providers; and
  • improving readiness for school

Increased opportunities for more flexible or blended childcare were welcomed by parents and providers but limited awareness by parents affected demand and some local market conditions affected supply.

Awareness of the availability of places amongst providers of funded two year old provision was raised and knowledge of what needed to increase places was identified.

More details can be found by clicking on this link

Building on this successful work, the DfE has funded an extension to the existing programme. This offers new hubs:

  • three training days – an induction to the programme , SEND and working with parents, online seminar on collaborative leaning;
  • helpline and support materials including a detailed step guide; and
  • regular support through telephone discussions and review

If you are interested in joining the programme please email john.alwyine-mosely@4children.org.uk for a more detailed discussion and to be booked on to the 24th June induction day.