Action for Children has compiled a set of five case studies which represent some of the work going on across the country to support children with SEND. These case studies give examples of good practice in relation to the role of the setting SENCO.

SEND Case Studies

Developing a confident workforce

A strategic approach to developing a Birmingham early years workforce confident and competent to deliver an inclusive Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) meeting the requirements of current SEND legislation.

Developing inclusive practice in a newly opened setting

The private day nursery opened to provide funded early education to 2, 3 and 4 year olds on non-domestic premises. An Area SENCO was allocated to the setting who visited soon after opening to explain the support available to the proprietor manager around developing inclusive practice.

Improving whole setting inclusive practice and transition support

The setting was established 30 years ago and aims “to provide a happy, homely and stimulating environment in which children can thrive emotionally and educationally through planned and spontaneous activities”. OFSTED reported that “Children’s independence is well-promoted as they enjoy a range of carefully planned activities. This provides them with good preparation for their move into full time school. Staff encourage children to become gradually accustomed to their new environment and this ensures children feel safe and secure”. There are 2 trained setting SENCO’S with a wide range of experience particularly in relation to speech, communication and language needs. They have successfully liaised with parents, speech and language therapists and health visiting teams.

Collaborative approach to support for transition

The early years setting has had involvement from the Educational Psychology and  and Early Years Service over a number of years based around individual children with SEND who have attended the setting at different times and so they know how to access support as required as well as having excellent relationships with the team. They have a very inclusive ethos within the setting and are prepared to ‘bend over backwards’ to get it right for children and families.

Improving transitions for children with Education Health and Care Plans

The setting is a small charitable trust run term time only for children and families with additional needs. The setting is in a large semi-rural village and takes children from the surrounding villages and nearest town. All children are referred to the setting via health care, early years and family support professionals. The setting has a setting SENCO and a wide range of experienced staff supporting children with SEND.