Do I have to complete the EYFSP for a child with SEND?

Yes. The EYFSP must be completed for all children, including those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), unless an exemption has previously been obtained.

Reasonable adjustments to the assessment process for children with SEND must be made, as appropriate, to ensure the child is able to demonstrate their development and attainment. Settings should consider whether they may need to seek specialist assistance to help with this.

Children will have differing levels of knowledge, skills and abilities across the EYFSP and it is important that there is a full assessment of all areas of their development, to inform plans for future activities, to identify any additional support needs and support transition into year 1.

For advice on completing the profile for children with SEND please refer to section 3.5 of the EYFSP handbook.

Do I have to complete the EYFSP for a child who has not spent a long time in the setting for example due to illness, arriving from abroad or not starting at a setting until a substantial part of the year has gone by?

Yes. The EYFSP must be completed for all children, including those who have not spent a long time in a setting for whatever reason, unless an exemption has previously been obtained.

We recognise that in some cases practitioners may have a more limited knowledge and understanding of what a child knows, understands, and can do and it may be more difficult for an accurate EYFSP assessment to be made. However, if practitioners have seen no evidence that a child has met an early learning goal, for whatever reason including absence, it is important that they report the child as emerging and then communicate to the year 1 teacher why the assessment has been made. This will ensure that all children are supported as much as possible in their transition to year 1.

What exemptions are available from the EYFSP?

As described in the guidance on exemptions for early years providers, exemptions from the learning and development requirements of the EYFS can be granted for:

  • Registered independent schools who meet the necessary conditions
  • Settings with established principles that are in conflict with the EYFS.

Additionally, in instances where a family’s religious or philosophical convictions cannot be reconciled with one or more of the learning and development requirements of the EYFS, there is a process available which enables early years providers to consider modifying or exempting one or more learning and development requirements for a child, where their family requests it. Please refer to our guidance on exemptions for individual children for more information.

Should I complete the EYFSP and submit code ‘A’ for children who are remaining in EYFS provision beyond the age of 5?

No. In these exceptional cases, assessment should continue throughout the child’s time within EYFS provision and an EYFSP should only be completed at the end of the reception year before the child moves into year 1. The school should discuss their intention to defer the child’s statutory assessment with their local authority. This will ensure the child’s data is not considered missing when the provider submits EYFSP outcomes for the current cohort.

How do you complete the profile for children attending more than one setting or for children who move settings during the academic year?

You should complete the profile for all eligible children registered at your school or provider. For children attending more than one setting during their reception year, the EYFSP must be completed by the school where the child spends most time.

If a child moves to a new school or provider during the academic year, the original school must send their assessment of the child’s development against the ELGs to the new school or provider if the profile has been completed.

If a reception child starts a new school or provider on the first day of the second half of the summer term (or any time after that), then the previous school should submit the data. If a child moves school or provider any time before the half term, then the new school should submit the data.

For more information on children transferring schools please refer to section 4.3 of the EYFSP handbook.